LGBT advocates expect Congress to enact federal hate crimes legislation this year that includes protections for sexual orientation and gender identity; has been renamed after Matthew Shepard.
WASHINGTON (AP)—Supporters of hate-crimes legislation said Thursday they expect Congress to enact a law this year expanding federal penalties for acts of violence against homosexuals.
They have renamed their latest proposal in honor of Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who died after he was beaten and tied to a fence in Wyoming in 1998.‘’I can’t think of a better way to honor Matthew’s memory. He was a 21-year-old college student just living his life,’’ said Shepard’s mother Judy Shepard, who now heads a foundation in her son’s name.
Asked about potential opposition from religious groups that disagree with homosexuality, Smith said that should not be a problem.
"This act is about the prosecution of crime, not prohibition of speech," Smith said. "Unless they believe part of their religion is the practice of violence against others, they should not be affected by this bill."
One of the main opponents to the bill is Ted Pike of the National Prayer Network. I'm not going to give him a whole lot of narrative, but let's say he's just another radical, conservative, evangelical, Christian fundie with a supposed direct line to God.
This is a excerpt from Ted Pike's website. I'll leave you to do the math:
By Rev. Ted Pike30 Apr 07
The federal "anti-hate" bill, to be voted on Thursday by the U.S. House of Representatives, says anyone who verbally "intimidates" members of federally protected groups faces indictment as a hate criminal, a violator of federal law. Also, anyone who "aids, abets, counsels" 1 that criminal will face charges. This means any talk show host who interviews me could face a federal "hate crimes" trial!
Since I first sounded the alarm on the federal hate bill last November and warned of its almost certain passage in the Democrat-controlled Congress, I have been interviewed on 114 national talk shows. My message against the hate bill has probably "intimidated" two groups the federal hate bill would especially protect: homosexuals and Jews. Homosexuals are intimidated because I regularly quote Holy Scripture describing their sexual behaviors as an abomination. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith is intimidated by my exposure of them as architect of thought crime laws worldwide. ADL is, in fact, so intimidated they don't dare to mention my name on their website for fear tens of thousands will visit www.truthtellers.org and hear the whole truth about them. The same goes for a cluster of Jewish activist organizations presided over by B'nai B'rith International. ACLU, People for the American Way, American Jewish Congress, American Jewish Committee, Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. rarely, if ever, mention Ted Pike. In contrast, I expose their anti-American, anti-Christian activities to the world from the highest place of attention I can find - talk radio and the internet. If H. R. 1592 becomes law, I and the 33 talk show hosts who have "aided and abetted" me since November are eminently indictable.
I've been arguing this matter for years. Freedom of speech should not include expressions of hate. Many times, these so-called spiritual leaders make such inflamatory remarks that they incite anger & aggressive behavior. Don't think for a moment that Pike's "sheep" are going to feel anything but disdain for the Jewish people after he hurls anti-semitic drivel from his pulpit.
Freedom of speech was designed to allow us checks & balances for our governing bodies. It is in place for our representatives to gage the country's attitudes & social conscience. The United States was founded on spiritual & cultural diversity. We cannot have freedom based on 1 religion's tenets & beliefs. We are a melting pot...& it just keeps getting hotter!